✔  Reduced court fees
✔  Book courts 14 days in advance
✔  Discounts on leagues, lessons, and drop-in
✔  Set up permanent court time

Becoming a 3rd Shot Club Member is a great way to save money if you're a frequent player!

3rd shot CLUB membership


3rd Shot Club Membership perks include:


All 3rd Shot Club Members get a 15% discount in the pro shop on their birthday each year!
Members may also get exclusive, limited-time offers not available to the public.

discounts in the pro shop

3rd Shot Club Members get early registration on all league signups, lessons, dropins, and clinics - including special events with touring pros!

priority registration

3rd Shot Club Members can set up permanent court time to have the same time slot each week without having to worry about making a reservation!

permanent court time

3rd Shot Club Members receive reduced rates on all pickleball programs - leagues, lessons, clinics, and drop-ins!

discounts on
pickleball Programs

3rd Shot Club Members can book courts 14 days in advance - twice as far into the future as Guest Members!

advanced booking time

3rd Shot Club Members pay:
- $6/hour per person September 15-May 14
- $3/hour per person May 15 - September 14
*Averages out to $5/hour all year*

reduced court fees

There's Lots to love about 3rd shot CLUB MEMBERSHIP perks!